Robotic hair transplant

Choosing which hair transplant methodology to go for is a tough decision. Understanding the detail elements of the Robotic Procedure will help you figure out whether it is ideal for you. You should comprehend what is to be done before, during and after the transplant.
After the initial stage, hair is specifically reaped with automated machines that give accuracy and predictable graft analysis. Use of robotic hair transplant give speed and increases the exactness inaccessible with manual handheld strategies.

  • Benefits of Robotic hair transplant method (زراعة الشعر بالطريقة الروبوتية)

It is not at all like other mechanized FUE extraction gadgets, the robotic hair transplant is beneficial as it avoids some of the basic extraction pitfalls that can reduce graph quality which can lessen general hair development yield. Since the gadget evacuates grafts with less pressure and torsion, slices to a depth of nearly 4 mm, and leaves a “cushion” of reasonable fat around the extricated grafts, the follicular units experience a negligible measure of injury and give sufficient yield. Besides, the gadget doesn’t use any kind of vacuum or suction system to expel the grafts before implantation, the grafts aren’t lead to unreasonable drying.
Robotic hair transplant method (زراعة الشعر بالطريقة الروبوتية) offers precision with exact extractions that permit hair transplant doctors to evacuate a normal of 900 to 1200 follicular grafts for every hour with insignificant transection rates as low as 8%. Since the extraction programming decides the right angle and course of each follicular unit and utilizes a calculation to arbitrarily choose grafts; the robotic hair transplant procedure is very precise and abstains from collecting a lot of benefactor’s hair from a specific region. In this manner, the dangers of both transection and noticeable scarring are drastically decreased. The robot additionally diminishes the dangers of human mistake, exhaustion, of the grafts – all of which can prompt to harm to the follicles and poor development.

Happiness is good hair

Why does hair turn dim, and what would you be able to do to back off the procedure?


Cells at the base of the hair called melanocytes are in charge of creating the shade that gives hair its shading. To do this, they require vitamin B12 and, an inadequacy of this vitamin can bring about untimely turning grey hair. In any case, once you pass the age of 30, the limit of melanocytes to make color actually starts to diminishing, and they in the end wear out. The rate at which this happens is to a great extent directed by hereditary qualities, yet smoking can likewise hurry the procedure. Smoking drains numerous vitamins in the body, and delivers free radicals which can decimate cells,” Trichologist Dubai.


Shouldn’t something be said about anxiety and hair relationship?

Alopecia areata causes pigmented hairs to drop out, however saves silver hairs – giving the impression of fast turning grey – and it can be activated by worry in some individuals who stress out quickly. “You could go from looking truly black to white hair over a couple days due to this condition.


Regardless of the possibility that turning grey is inescapable, you can utilize a few traps to hide it decent tip is to wear the hair out and forward instead of up, as white hairs are frequently found around the hairline.


What causes split end, and would they be able to be repaired?

Split ends are the after effect of a hair shaft breaking, as a rule because of heat or chemicals. This leaves the hair dried out and less versatile – and more vulnerable to breakage.


Sadly, once you have them, the best way to dispose of split ends is to cut them off. Where the hair has split ends, the outer layer of hair which ordinarily ensures the hair is protected, so no product will settle this back together.


Does washing hair more frequently lets them become greasier?


No, but if you have oily hair then massaging the scalp can fortify oil creation in your hair resulting in greasier hair. Truth be told, washing will probably dry your hair out .Your body or scalp shouldn’t be washed daily with cleanser or shampoos as the dry out the scalp and making it easier for the oil to travel down the hair. Frequently we utilize conditioners to return something that has been lost.”


In any case, conditioners can themselves make hair seem greasier in light of the fact that they smooth the outer layer skin of hair, oil goes down the hair quicker. Consequently, conditioner is best utilized on the mid-lengths.





Does unwashed hair in the long run clean itself? 


Hair ought to go about as a wick; drawing oil far from the scalp and lastly rubbing off on your pillows and whatever other surfaces your hair touches. In any case, this is worse if you have long hair, and not washing hair for long can be unhygienic. We all have miniaturized scale living beings living on our scalp which can bring about irritation and flaky scalp protestations on the off chance that they are left to breed.


Does pulling make hairs become back thicker or in more prominent amounts?

“Cull one silver hair, become back two” says trichologist Dubai. In any case, hair follicles just deliver one hair, and there’s no proof that culling empowers more hairs to develop. On the off chance that anything, it’s probably going to do the inverse. Persistent pulling out of hair makes the hair follicle to die and lead to hair loss. This is generally observed with eyebrows, which can turn out to be thin following quite a while of being culled. There is no distinction with regards to silver hairs, as the hair follicle structure is the same.


Be that as it may, in specific circumstances, damage to the skin and hidden tissue can invigorate hair to develop: for example, individuals who have broken a bone report hair becoming back thicker in the zone encompassing the break. Specific examples of culling may trigger hair development, despite the fact that the procedure isn’t yet completely caught on.


What causes hair loss?

It depends. Hair develops in cycles, and being focused or unwell can briefly trigger a greater amount of it to enter the shedding stage. At that point there’s sparseness, which represents more than 95% of male pattern baldness in men and is likewise the most widely recognized reason for baldness in ladies as well. The hair follicles on the scalp are delicate to the hormone testosterone (which is likewise created by ladies). Testosterone causes scaling down of the follicles, which delivers better and shorter hairs,” clarifies trichologist Dubai.


Exactly how sensitive your follicles are is controlled by your hereditary qualities; if a lot of your relatives have lost their hair then you will probably go uncovered yourself. Despite the fact that there’s no cure for example hair loss, you can back off its movement. Propecia is a medication that is accessible on medicine, while Regaine is a moisturizer that can be purchased over the counter. Both back off this scaling down process.


Can anything make your hair growth speedier?

Excessively brushing hair can accomplish more mischief than anything else. While some brushing is important to evacuate tangles, and can draw d oil along hair strands, on the off chance that anything, brushing will stress the hair, says trichologist Dubai. Like turning grey, the rate at which your hair develops is dictated by your qualities. Cautious massaging can build blood stream to the scalp and support the supply of oxygen and supplements, however it won’t expand the speed of hair development, says trichologist Dubai. Consuming protein-rich sustenance’s, for example, flax seeds, walnuts, fish and avocados ought to help your hair growth.

Why to visit a trichologist in Dubai

Ever wondered your hair beliefs might be just myths? There are many hair related myths some of them are:

  • Shaving the head of a newborn prevents future baldness.
  • Don’t pluck the grey hair as more grey hair will come out.
  • Hair grow faster when they are frequently trimmed.
  • Washing hair daily results in hair fall
  • Sun is the best way to lighten hair
  • Sleeping with hair down makes them grow faster

There must be several more myths that you might have heard of are still believed as true.

Hair are important part of our body. There had been an increase in the hair problems over the years in male and female both. The word trichologist comes from the Greek word and is used as a word for hair doctor. This field of science emerged in the nineteenths and became a well-known medical discipline which people all around the world opt to study. There are trichologist associations around the world from which an individual can specialize in scalp diseases and hair issues.

Different hair and scalp problems include:

  • Hair loss

An individual starts to loose large amount of hair which can be seen as clumps in hair brushes and thinning patches of scalp.

  • Dandruff

White flakes that is dead skin of scalp.

  • Male pattern baldness

Hair loss seen at the temples of the scalp.

  • Female pattern baldness

Diffuse pattern hair loss from the scalp.

  • Ringworm of the scalp

Painful scalp with itchy patches.

  • Psoriasis

Plaque which is thick red patches of skin on scalp.

  • Head lice

A louse which sucks blood from the scalp.

  • Bamboo hair

Hair that break easily.

A trichologist in Dubai deals with these and more hair and scalp problems and is able to recommend individualized treatments based on the patients problem. A trichologist will help you boost the health and look of the hair and scalp.


Why to visit a trichologist in Dubai?

The above mentioned problems have serious reasons behind them and to cure a problem it’s important to know the exact reason of its cause. So stop believing in myths and the self-created solutions and visit a trichologist. As getting a proper consultation at right time is better and not paying a visit could make it worse.

You might be having some of the few reasons for hair fall mentioned below which only a trichologist could make you aware of and suggest the proper prescription

  • Lack of nutrients intake such as proteins and B-complex vitamin
  • Hereditary hair loss
  • Sudden change in hormones
  • Iron deficiencies
  • Intake of cancer treating medications
  • Giving childbirth may result in hair loss in some women.

Sick of the low confidence caused by the odor smell of your hair? This oily secretion that causes your hair to become oily and smelly is a skin cell disorder that a trichologist can help you of. Shed this low confidence and boost your personality by visiting a trichologist in Dubai now for proper medications and steps to recover from this problem.

How to benefit from the best trichologist in Dubai

Hair problems result in depression among individuals who are very particular about their looks. It also leads to a low confidence while communicating with people. Don’t just sit and cry over your hair problems. The long waited desire to attain the hair you always wanted could only be achieved by consulting a trichologist in Dubai.

It is very important to check the educational background and the years of experience a trichologist has before you pay a visit for an expert level advice and treatment beneficial for your hair and scalp problems.

A good trichologist will understand the depth of your problem and guide you through the recovery process until you achieve the desired results.

Perform a complete research and check reviews to book an appointment!